Michael Brewer Interview
Today in honor of 4/20, B-sox was joined by Michael Brewer from Brewer and Shipley to talk about their new documentary on Vimeo and the history of One Toke Over the Line! … MORE

Anna-Sigga Nicolazzi Interview
Today on the show, B-sox was joined by Anna-Sigga Nicolazzi. anna is the former prosecutor for the Brooklyn, NY District Attorney’s Office, and is the host of True Conviction of Discovery! … MORE

In the Earth Review and More
Today on the show, B-sox was joined by Mike Reyes from Cinemablend to review In the Earth, plus they dove into some movie news from this week as well. … MORE

Steve Shippy Interview
Today on the show, B-sox was joined by Steve Shippy to talk about his new documentary on Discovery Plus called “Ed Gein: The Real Psycho.”… MORE

Godzilla Vs Kong Review
This week on the show, B-sox was joined by Mike Reyes from Cinemablend to review Godzilla vs Kong. Mike loved it, B-sox wasn’t crazy about it. Check out the podcast for the full review. … MORE

Nobody here but us movies!
Today on the show, B-sox was joined by Mike Reyes from Cinemablend to talk about the new coming out this week, plus some odds and ends movie news as well.… MORE

American Heart Association’s City-Wide Rally Day
B-sox was joined by Kayli Becker from the American Heart Association to talk about the City-Wide Rally Day happening today!… MORE

Candice Night Interview
Today on the show, B-sox was joined by Candice Night to talk about her new album from Blackmore’s Night called Nature’s Light! They also dove into the world of the paranormal plus what Candice has coming up!… MORE

Best Buddies Interviews!
March is Best Buddies Month! B-sox talked to Katie and Becky about Best Buddies and what it means to them! He also got the chance to talk to Terri and Tyler who helped bring Best Buddies to Iowa!… MORE

Snyder Cut Review and more!
Today on the show, B-sox was joined by Mike Reyes from Cinemablend to review Justice League the Snyder Cut, and they dove into some movie news concerning Black Widow and Venom. … MORE