B&T Extra: Smoke With a Yak in Your Mouth
On this Bob & Tom Extra: We have comedian Al Jackson and smoking with a yak in your mouth!… MORE
On this Bob & Tom Extra: We have comedian Al Jackson and smoking with a yak in your mouth!… MORE
Our house band today are the Black Moods. The rock and roll trio play some of our favorite songs of theirs. Kristi Lee uncovered a list of ways to catch a man from the 1950s, which is hysterical. Jeff Oskay joins us in studio to share news we failed to mention.… MORE
Greg Warren joins us for the Warren Report with the history of the Louisville Slugger.… MORE
Check out the full Bob and Tom show from 8/8/22!… MORE
Josh Arnold applied to be a mop boy. We cannot explain that here so you will have to watch. Oskay broke his ribs last week in a jet skiing, but he bravely joins us to share News We Failed to Mention.… MORE
Allie Breen is back in her apartment for “Sexy Time where we answer love gone wrong letters… and Josh annoys Tom with good advice. … MORE
Check out an all new episode of the Bits and Pieces Podcast from the Bob and Tom Show!… MORE
On this Bob & Tom Extra: We throwback to 2019 with “beck and call”, gender reveals, woodshops, dogs, and Donnie Baker!… MORE
We talk with Reno Collier about Snoop Dogg’s New cookbook and what meal you could eat everyday. Then we Join Greg Warren on a deep dive into the History of Blue Jeans!… MORE
What is Kristi Lee’s dream threeway? It is much, much different from Pat Godwin’s.… MORE