Category Archives: FRONT PAGE CONTENT

Best Buddies Interviews!

Best Buddies Interviews!

March is Best Buddies Month! B-sox talked to Katie and Becky about Best Buddies and what it means to them!  He also got the chance to talk to Terri and Tyler who helped bring Best Buddies to Iowa!MORE

Snyder Cut Review and more!

Snyder Cut Review and more!

Today on the show, B-sox was joined by Mike Reyes from Cinemablend to review Justice League the Snyder Cut, and they dove into some movie news concerning Black Widow and Venom. MORE

Best Buddies: Meet Ella, Thomas, & Elizabeth

Best Buddies: Meet Ella, Thomas, & Elizabeth

We are happy to introduce you all to Ella, Thomas, and Elizabeth from Kennedy High School! These three have been Buddies for a few months now and would like to share some insights about their amazing friendship…MORE

Hyped for “The Falcon and The Winter Soldier!!”

Hyped for “The Falcon and The Winter Soldier!!”

Can you believe up until a couple of months ago we went over a year without any new content from Marvel? Back in January, “WandaVision” brought Marvel back after the delays that happened in 2020. What a comeback that was too! Marvel tried something so different, and I think that was the perfect way to…MORE