The Haunting – Erin Taylor Interview
B-sox was joined by author Erin Taylor! Erin has written multiple books about the paranormal including Unfinished Business: Tales of Haunted Restrooms and Bathrooms and more!… MORE
B-sox was joined by author Erin Taylor! Erin has written multiple books about the paranormal including Unfinished Business: Tales of Haunted Restrooms and Bathrooms and more!… MORE
B-sox was joined by Kat Armstrong from Paranormal Exposures! They chatted about the formation of their group, investigating Edinburgh Manor, Brodhead Manor, black mirror scrying and more!… MORE
B-sox was joined by Kestrel the Nature Witch to talk about the barrier between life and death, working with the Craft, ancestors and more!… MORE
To kick off the 2024 edition of The Haunting, B-sox was joined by Cory Lollman from Lollman Paranormal to talk House of 1859, Malvern Manor, their upcoming show on Spirit Realm Network and more!… MORE
B-sox was joined by Cory Lollman from Lollman paranormal to talk about their new show coming to the Spirit Realm Network called The Lollman Chronicles.… MORE
B-sox was joined by author Troy Taylor! They talked the true story of The Exorcist, about Malvern Manor, the Villisca Axe Murder House and more! … MORE
B-sox was joined by Steve Gorman from Steve Gorman Rocks to talk about his paranormal experiences as we get ready for the Halloween season!… MORE
B-sox was joined by Dr Rebecca Foster who is a Clairvoyant Medium, about her favorite haunted locations and the world of the paranormal.… MORE
B-sox chatted with his old friend Seth Alne from Calhoun County Paranormal Investigators about ghosts, the search for Bigfoot and a whole lot more!… MORE
B-sox was joined by Johnny Houser! They talked in depth about the Villisca Ax Murder House, Malvern Manor, the Van Meter Visitor and so much more. … MORE