Category Archives: bob and tom

B&T Extra: Our First Boob

B&T Extra: Our First Boob

On this Bob & Tom Extra: We have deer stories, the cast’s first boob, and Stupid World Record!MORE

Guest Josh Arnold

Guest Josh Arnold

Josh shares his early memories of being a fan of The Bob & Tom Show and some of his favorite bits from then.MORE

Tom’s Big “Surprise”

Tom’s Big “Surprise”

No one loves surprises more than Tom Griswold. No one hates them more than the cast of the BOB & TOM Show, but it is his birthday and they decide to indulge him…MORE

Ask Alli: Should I Go Through His Phone?

Ask Alli: Should I Go Through His Phone?

We make a team decision: there are too many TV channels. Alli Breen joins us for Sexy Time and we answer if it is ok to cheat on a loveless spouse and if a woman should go through her boyfriend’s phone.MORE

Failed To Mention News: Denny’s Edition

Failed To Mention News: Denny’s Edition

If someone made a Jeff Oskay puppet, how much hair would it take? All of it. A manager stole $200,000 from Denny’s, and a world record for snowflakes was set. There is a brand new puppet video!MORE