Category Archives: Uncategorized

William Shatner Artificial Intelligence Project

William Shatner Artificial Intelligence Project

To celebrate his 90th birthday, William Shatner is creating an interactive artificial intelligence-powered video “so family and friends can interact with him for years to come.”MORE

Best Buddies Interviews!

Best Buddies Interviews!

March is Best Buddies Month! B-sox talked to Katie and Becky about Best Buddies and what it means to them!  He also got the chance to talk to Terri and Tyler who helped bring Best Buddies to Iowa!MORE

Snyder Cut Review and more!

Snyder Cut Review and more!

Today on the show, B-sox was joined by Mike Reyes from Cinemablend to review Justice League the Snyder Cut, and they dove into some movie news concerning Black Widow and Venom. MORE