Welcome to the Haunting of KGGO! During the month of October, we’ll be celebrating the world of the paranormal with interviews from local paranormal groups. Each week, we’ll upload a new interview with a different group! We’ll talk about their best cases, scariest moments and more! Happy Halloween from KGGO!

The Haunting – Erin Taylor Interview
B-sox was joined by author Erin Taylor! Erin has written multiple books about the paranormal including Unfinished Business: Tales of Haunted Restrooms and Bathrooms and more!… MORE

The Haunting – Kat Armstrong from Paranormal Exposures
B-sox was joined by Kat Armstrong from Paranormal Exposures! They chatted about the formation of their group, investigating Edinburgh Manor, Brodhead Manor, black mirror scrying and more!… MORE

The Haunting – Kestrel the Nature Witch
B-sox was joined by Kestrel the Nature Witch to talk about the barrier between life and death, working with the Craft, ancestors and more!… MORE

The Haunting – Cory Lollman Interview
To kick off the 2024 edition of The Haunting, B-sox was joined by Cory Lollman from Lollman Paranormal to talk House of 1859, Malvern Manor, their upcoming show on Spirit Realm Network and more!… MORE

The Lollman Chronicles Interview
B-sox was joined by Cory Lollman from Lollman paranormal to talk about their new show coming to the Spirit Realm Network called The Lollman Chronicles.… MORE

The Haunting – Troy Taylor Interview
B-sox was joined by author Troy Taylor! They talked the true story of The Exorcist, about Malvern Manor, the Villisca Axe Murder House and more! … MORE

The Haunting – Steve Gorman Interview
B-sox was joined by Steve Gorman from Steve Gorman Rocks to talk about his paranormal experiences as we get ready for the Halloween season!… MORE

The Haunting – Dr Rebecca Foster Interview
B-sox was joined by Dr Rebecca Foster who is a Clairvoyant Medium, about her favorite haunted locations and the world of the paranormal.… MORE

The Haunting – Seth Alne Interview
B-sox chatted with his old friend Seth Alne from Calhoun County Paranormal Investigators about ghosts, the search for Bigfoot and a whole lot more!… MORE

Haunting of KGGO 2022 – Johnny Houser
B-sox was joined by Johnny Houser! They talked in depth about the Villisca Ax Murder House, Malvern Manor, the Van Meter Visitor and so much more. … MORE