Please allow me to introduce myself…Jeremy Jacobs here. Born in the late 80’s to parents that had a great taste in music, classic rock of the 70’s and 80’s provided the soundtrack to my childhood. As I started to develop my own musical tastes I fell hard for the grunge sound coming out of Seattle and the alt rock taking over college and mainstream radio. Foo Fighters are my all time favorite band, followed closely by the Eagles, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and Stone Temple Pilots in no particular order.
Next to music, my other big passions are professional wrestling (I’m a 10 year vet of the midwest wrestling scene) and football. You can find me screaming for the Iowa Hawkeyes on Saturdays, the San Francisco 49ers on Sundays and covered in face pain and spiked shoulder pads during the offseason rooting for your Iowa Barnstormers.

Charles Barkley and the SNL Nirvana contact high!
The almost unreal story of Charles Barkley, Nirvana, Saturday Night Live and a contact high! … MORE

Fail of the Week
What a beautiful wedding…what a beautiful wedding said the bridesmaid to the waiter…that was until someone threw a table. It’s your Fail of the Week! … MORE

This Week in 80’s History!
Let’s take a look back at This Week in 80’s History! … MORE

Watch Nirvana cover Led Zeppelin!
Watch rehearsal footage of a pre Dave Grohl Nirvana covering a Led Zeppelin classic!… MORE

Brian May to release Star Fleet Project box set!
Brian May discusses work on an extended version of his 1983 collaboration with Eddie Van Halen, The Star Fleet Project. The box set is said to include “every take of every song” along with conversations, outtakes and more! … MORE

Photos from Montreal’s new Pink Floyd art exhibit!
Check out these photos from Montreal’s new Pink Floyd art exhibit! … MORE

Fail of the Week
It’s Fail of the Week time! … MORE

Hairball Video of the Week!
It’s time for your Hairball Video of the Week! … MORE

This Week in 80’s History!
Lets take a look back at this week in the 80’s!… MORE

Bret Michaels to star in “Homes for the Holidays” tv special!
Poison front man Bret Michaels to start in “Homes for the Holidays” tv special that will provide mortgage free homes to Gold Star and fallen first responder families.… MORE