Please allow me to introduce myself…Jeremy Jacobs here. Born in the late 80’s to parents that had a great taste in music, classic rock of the 70’s and 80’s provided the soundtrack to my childhood. As I started to develop my own musical tastes I fell hard for the grunge sound coming out of Seattle and the alt rock taking over college and mainstream radio. Foo Fighters are my all time favorite band, followed closely by the Eagles, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and Stone Temple Pilots in no particular order.
Next to music, my other big passions are professional wrestling (I’m a 10 year vet of the midwest wrestling scene) and football. You can find me screaming for the Iowa Hawkeyes on Saturdays, the San Francisco 49ers on Sundays and covered in face pain and spiked shoulder pads during the offseason rooting for your Iowa Barnstormers.

Hairball Video of the Week
Let’s see what’s in the way back machine this week! … MORE

Hairball Video of the Week
Time to hop in the way back machine! It’s your Hairball Video of the Week! … MORE

Axl Rose lends vocals to UFO classic!
Hear GNR frontman Axl Rose lend his voice to UFO classic “Love to Love”!… MORE

Hairball Video of the Week
This week we pay tribute to one of the greats…Great White front man Jack Russell! … MORE

Hairball Video of the Week!
Let’s see what’s in the way back machine this week!… MORE

Hairball Video of the Week!
Let’s see what the way back machine has for us tonight? … MORE

Hairball Video of the Week
It’s time for your Hairball Video of the Week! … MORE

Hairball Video of the Week
It’s back! Time for your Hairball Video of the Week! … MORE

This week in 80’s History!
Let’s peek in the way back machine shall we?!… MORE

WATCH Guns N’ Roses new music video for “The General”
Guns N’ Roses has turned to the studio that’s produced everything from animations and videos for their live shows, Creative Works London, to use generative AI to create the music video for their latest single, “The General”… MORE