The Saturday Night Hairball hosted by Jeremy Jacobs features heavy metal, glam metal and hard rock from the 80s and early 90s. So tease up your hair, throw on a jean jacket and turn the radio up every Saturday night right here on 95 KGGO.

Brian May to release Star Fleet Project box set!
Brian May discusses work on an extended version of his 1983 collaboration with Eddie Van Halen, The Star Fleet Project. The box set is said to include “every take of every song” along with conversations, outtakes and more! … MORE

Hairball Video of the Week!
It’s time for your Hairball Video of the Week! … MORE

This Week in 80’s History!
Lets take a look back at this week in the 80’s!… MORE

Bret Michaels to star in “Homes for the Holidays” tv special!
Poison front man Bret Michaels to start in “Homes for the Holidays” tv special that will provide mortgage free homes to Gold Star and fallen first responder families.… MORE

Chad Kroeger recalls hearing John 5 nail Crue classics!
In a recent interview, Nickelback front man Chad Kroeger recalls an instance at a party in Mexico where John 5 would pick up a guitar and nail Motley Crue hit after hit! … MORE

Sammy Hagar says unreleased Van Halen song is a “treasure.”
Sammy Hagar recently discussed the unreleased Van Halen track “Between Us Two” will appear on a future archival release and will be a “treasure”.… MORE

Hairball Video of the Week
Bringing one of my personal favorites for your Hairball Video of the Week! … MORE

This Week in 80’s History!
It’s time to take a look back at this week in 80’s history! … MORE

Lita Ford performs classic with Todd Kerns
Watch video of Lita Ford rocking the crowd aboard the Kiss Kruise! … MORE

Bret Michaels surprises fans at Virginia brew pub!
Poison front man Bret Michaels surprised fans in attendance at a Virginia brew pub, coming out in support his Bret Michaels Band guitarist, Pete Evick, at a hometown gig. … MORE